A script to generate a password for lastpass.

A script to generate password for lastpass.

ruby hash.rb

then enter your pass:

Hash times: how many loops used to sha1 the hash string. (suggest >= 100)

Base64 times: how many loops used to base64 the hash string. (suggest <= 10)

require 'digest/sha1'
require 'base64'
print 'Your password: '
password =  gets.chomp

# puts '|' << password << "|"
print 'Hash times(integer): '
count = gets.chomp.to_i
count =  121 if not count > 0
puts "hash times: #{count}" 

print 'Base64 times(integer): '
encode = gets.chomp.to_i
encode =  11 if not encode > 0
puts "Base64 times: #{encode}"

    password = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest password

    password = Base64.strict_encode64 password

puts password